Lecture at DSAG Annual Congress 2024

We were invited by the DSAG (German-speaking SAP user group, approx. 70,000 members and approx. 4,000 member companies) to share our experience of our successful S/4 HANA project at the annual congress (5,500 participants) in Leipzig. The focus was on the specific management of the project but especially on the success factors that made our S/4 HANA conversion possible.
The lecture was divided into two topic areas, on the one hand the preparation using the DE-VAU-GE roadmap, with which we have prepared the successful conversion in the years since 2019, and on the other hand how we specifically proceeded in the conversion project. Hartmut Schröder mainly reported on the first part, and Michael Ram from Project Partner reported on specific project support.
The lecture hall was filled to the last chair and there were lively discussions and questions from the audience. The successful sub-projects were found to be particularly interesting because, through this experience, we learned, on the one hand, which consulting partners could best and successfully support us and, on the other hand, we had built up a close-knit, experienced and motivated Key-User team internally. Ultimately, the goal of the sub-projects was to apply everything possible for S/4 HANA in our familiar system, so in the end a LEAN conversion was possible in just 7 months. Michael Ram’s part was non the less interesting, namely the project organization and, particularly important, the process inclusion in the project.
Through increasingly detailed GoLive planning, we got better and better with each test conversion and which led to a test coverage of 96%. This value alone is outstanding when comparing our project with other companies projects.
Based on this success, we are now devoting ourselves to the optimization topics that the S/4 HANA system offers us. The focal points were determined through the process recording in the conversion project, so that the potential can now be addressed in a targeted manner with concentrated effort.
Based on the successful presentation, an article about the project appears in the DSAG members’ magazine “Impulsant” and another presentation was requested at a DSAG “S/4 Conversion” theme day.