Feld, Ressourcen, Nachhaltig


Partnerschaft, nachhaltige Ressourcen, Feld

We take Responsibility.

As a responsible company, we stand firmly to our ethical and social obligations towards people and the environment. We are therefore actively committed to implementing the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and are committed to respecting and protecting human rights in our supply chains.

Our ambition is to make our supply chains more environmentally friendly and to support sustainable business models. We are actively committed to environmental protection in order to continuously reduce negative impacts.

In the firm awareness of being part of a future-oriented world, we treat the resources of our planet with respect. The general switch to renewable energies and research into 100% recyclable packaging are the way to protect resources competitively through innovations and forward-looking technologies. We have already initiated a number of measures to meet this responsibility.

Code of Conduct

The route is the aim.

Sustainability through Continuous Optimization

Daher planen wir langfristig und kontrollieren uns ständig selbst. Nur so lernen wir, wie auch in Zukunft nachhaltiges Handeln wirtschaftlich gestaltet werden kann. Durch das Einführen von neuen Technologien schaffen wir eine Basis, die über das Hier und Jetzt hinausreicht. Mit fortschreitender Digitalisierung können wir nicht nur Arbeitsprozesse effizienter gestalten, sondern sind auch in der Lage unser eigenes Handeln jederzeit zu überprüfen. So können Einsparungs- und Optimierungspotenziale besser identifiziert und wirkungsvoller umgesetzt werden.

Lieferanten, nachhaltige Partnerschaft, Ressourcen

Together we are better.

For this reason, we ask our employees, customers and suppliers to act more sustainably. But for us, demanding without promoting is the wrong approach. That’s why we’re taking the first step and showing, with the necessary empathy, how we can succeed together in improving living conditions for everyone.

Our path to greater sustainability

We have recognised our responsibility as a company and have already embedded our ecological responsibility as a principle / fundamental policy within the company. We are convinced that we can make a positive contribution to our society and our environment with our sustainability efforts. For this reason, we would like to share our endeavours and achievements towards greater sustainability with you and keep you up to date on our progress in the future.

Sustainability Report

More about Sustainability